Today I am frustrated. I seriously am so mad I could just hit something or just put my face into a pillow and scream (in my case cry a little). I am pretty good about not staying mad over silly things, but right now this is all I can think about and its putting me in an even worse mood. It doesn’t help that I am PMSing and emotional, because all I want to do is cry. I think right now the smallest thing would just make me lose it. I know the tears would come and I wouldn’t be able to stop it. What in the world is wrong with me? How do you all let things go that made you mad? Does anyone else just feel like a good cry with me right now? I am 99% sure that Hank and Miley think I am the craziest person they have ever met. I am wearing my pouty pants today and to bed! ha I can tell you exactly why I am mad but in the attempt to “let it go” I will not be going into that story.
Right now I’m the textbook definition of crazy woman PMSer, and I feel sorry for anyone who has to dealt with me today and for Dusty when he gets home.
Why are men so freakin' complicated!!!!! ughhhh. My roommate, Kendall, has heard it all and then 20 minutes later she left out the door with a bag. I think I scared her off!?!?! oops. :-/
Well, Have a great night my friends. Hopefully a glass of wine will help my mood tonight!