Tuesday, February 22, 2011

5 things

Mandy tagged me in a post where you must list the top 5 things you cannot live without. Here are mine:

1. Miley and Hank. I love these two puppies more than anything. They are mommy's babies and I have them spoiled rotten or you can say that I am wrapped around their paws. 

2. Cooking. I love cooking everyday but I DO NOT like to clean up after I cook. Cooking is a big stress relief for me so Dusty gets a good home cooked meal every night. (Tonight was made from scratch Lasagna) 

3. My cell phone. I would not know what to do without my phone. I text or bbm any chance I get and now I can creep on facebook. Dusty says that he will pay me $100 if I can go a day without facebook but it is so hard when it is so convenient to access on your phone. 
Please ignore the roughness but this is my little world. 

4. My Blanket. I made this blanket  like 3 years ago and every time I sit on the couch I cover with this Blanket. 
Someone stole my blanket tonight!

5. Last but not least, Dusty. I know that may come across as being a little weird or crazy but it is so nice to wake up to him every morning. I do not get to spend  a lot of time with him during the week so when we do spend time together it is so nice. Being in school and student teaching does not work well with a love life or a life at all. I will get through this! I simply know that it is making Dusty and I's relationship stronger.
My lovebug!!!!

Hope yall have a great week!

I would like to tag
all of my followers or anyone who views this post. This post really made me think so have fun thinking!


Wednesday, February 16, 2011


who wouldnt love to look like this in a swimsuit...maybe one day I can look close or just look half decent in one. ha
it has been so long since I have blogged. I have been super busy. I have been busy with my clinical more and working out. I am attempting to obtain the beach body I have always wanted. It is going to take some hard work and dedication but I am going to work my hiney off to get what I want. 1. I need to lose weight for the wedding and 2. I wanna look good around my step sisters for our family beach trip. All my step sisters are as tiny as a bean pole so I wanna look half way decent around them and then I want to feel better about myself. Anyways enough about my working out. I want to tell yall some funny stories I have been in these past couple weeks teaching.
1. A little boy asked me if I like Justin Bieber. He said, "Miss Kendall, I hate Justin Bieber, I want to shoot myself when I hear Justin Bieber."
2. While the teacher was reading a book about dogs, a little girls asks, "Mrs. Shelley what's that pink then below his tummy?"
3. A little boy telling me his mom got fired and that meant she wouldnt make any money
4. A little boy telling me his mom and dad fight all the time and one day going down the road his mom told his dad to get out and they rode down the road with the door open.
5. A little boy was in the Home center messing with the Blender, I asked him  what he was making.  "Miss Kendall, Im making a maragarita with Tequila."
I absolutely LOVE children and I know that I have chosen the right career path to venture into. Hope yall enjoyed these stories as much as I have. If I ever have a bad day I think about one of these stories. Have a great Wednesday Night!



Wednesday, February 9, 2011

What im loving wednesdays

Today I am loving Mileybug and Hank. As we speak, Hank is resting his head on my legs and Miley is curled up beside me. I am cooped up in the house working on lesson plans and education project...oh the joys of being an education major. Miley and Hank have been my saving grace, they make me smile when I get frustrated or over my head with all this work. I took a little break today and called the local Humane Society about getting Hank fixed. Poor Poor Hank is going to loose his manhood on March 3rd. I love him dearly but I cant have no little Hanks running around. I asked that sweet lady today 50 million questions and I know she was getting frustrated with me but I am so worried about my babies. I will keep yall updated on my growing weed...Hank. Oh yea that reminds me, I weighed Hank the other day and he is already pushing 65 lbs and is only 6 months old. WHOA....he is huge . After weighing him my dad informed me that he will easily hit 80 lbs when he is full grown. I just came to the conclusion that I am going to have a bear as a pet. Poor Hank is too big for his own good. In his mind he only weighs 10 lbs like Miley. Sorry I went  out on soapbox but talking about my babies made me think of this. Hope yall have a wonderful wednesday while I bury myself in lesson plans and creative projects. 


Sunday, February 6, 2011


Marks 4 years that Dusty and I have been together. Its really hard to believe that we have been together this long. Boy does time fly by. We have been through the good and the bad. He is one of the best things that has happened to me and I thank God for him everyday. He is truly an AMAZING guy who one day soon I will be able to call not only my best friend but my Husband.
 Here's a little history of how we met. 
Mutual friend set us up on a blind date. We were set up by our friends, Dusty's Best friend Kelton and his bitch of an ex-wife BITCH. They planned for us to go bowling and then out to dinner. Well we went bowling and I was sure Dusty was not interested in me, he was totally crushing on my friend Randi Leigh. Well the night was coming to an end with bowling and we began to talk more and talked the whole way to dinner. Once we got to dinner, we sat down and kelton went to the bathroom. Needless to say Kelton never came back because he was puking, at this point we were not sure what was wrong with him. Me and dusty were left at the table by ourselves and he ended up paying for my dinner. To make a long story short, we ended up in the hospital with Kelton that night because he had Kidney Stones. What a wonderful way to have a first date, a blind date at that. It was a week later that dusty finally called me back and asked if I wanted to go to a movie with him. Well his line was, "My sister wants to know if you want to go to the movies with us".  What a great line, huh?!?  I was still excited to get asked by him so I fell for it. This relationship was different from all the others. I took things slower to really see where things would go and how far they would and look at where we are now, we are engaged. 
As much as a Lame-O dusty was when we first started dating but I have grown to love him. He really is my better half. I am so thankful that he was put into my life and I into his. We have grown and matured in our lives and our relationship. I cant wait till Aug 11, 2012 to marry my best friend. I look forward to what the years will bring for us and our family (hopefully). 

Sorry if I bored yall! Have a great Super Bowl Sunday.
