Today I am loving Mileybug and Hank. As we speak, Hank is resting his head on my legs and Miley is curled up beside me. I am cooped up in the house working on lesson plans and education project...oh the joys of being an education major. Miley and Hank have been my saving grace, they make me smile when I get frustrated or over my head with all this work. I took a little break today and called the local Humane Society about getting Hank fixed. Poor Poor Hank is going to loose his manhood on March 3rd. I love him dearly but I cant have no little Hanks running around. I asked that sweet lady today 50 million questions and I know she was getting frustrated with me but I am so worried about my babies. I will keep yall updated on my growing weed...Hank. Oh yea that reminds me, I weighed Hank the other day and he is already pushing 65 lbs and is only 6 months old. WHOA....he is huge . After weighing him my dad informed me that he will easily hit 80 lbs when he is full grown. I just came to the conclusion that I am going to have a bear as a pet. Poor Hank is too big for his own good. In his mind he only weighs 10 lbs like Miley. Sorry I went out on soapbox but talking about my babies made me think of this. Hope yall have a wonderful wednesday while I bury myself in lesson plans and creative projects.
hope your doing okay dear hope you get some good lesson plans going :) love your blog so cute!