Friday, April 1, 2011


Sorry I have been super slack here lately when it comes to blogging :( I promise I have been spending my time nose has been buried in schoolwork. Only 2 more weeks of school then Im finished for the summer. Then I start my senior year and then I get married....Wow!!! Time flies by!  To tell you have stressful my week(s) have been.....Hank got snipped snipped Wednesday, I had to make a book by Thursday for a class, I had to teach 3 lessons, Write my VPI report......and now its the weekend but I still have so much homework to do! :( Oh well at least I see the light at the end of the tunnel.  Hope all you have a WONDERFUL weekend!!!!
This is how I get through stressful nights....Miley will curl up beside me and snuggle! I love my Mileybug!

Hank took this first ride in the back of the truck this past weekend...I was so proud of him but it tore my nervous up. He LOVED IT! 

1. Have you ever had surgery?
I had knee (both) surgery when I was in 7th grade :(

2. Ever ride in an ambulance?
I have rode up front in an ambulance but never in the back. 

3. How are you in a medical emergency? Panicked? Calm?
I think I am pretty calm. 

4. Do you have a garden? Flowers or veggies?
No...I live in an apt. I wish I could have a garden like my stepmom and have a cute water fountains. I idol her gardens...when dusty and I get married and get a place of our own that is the first thing I want to do, well after the inside is fixed

5. When did you move out of your parents house?
When I went to college. I have been on my own for 4 years now! I dont think I will ever go back home, I like the independency. 


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