Wednesday, December 15, 2010

What a Day

Today was an interesting day because I got to hang with the most amazing lady ever, my Memaw! She is such a wonderful little lady, literally! If I could choose anybody to be my role model she def tops the list. I am for sure a Memaw's girl and I love every minute of it.

told you she was a little lady!

The day started out by leaving Miley and Hank at my daddy's house. As I was walking out the door, Miley plopped to the floor and began to look at me with sad sad puppy eyes. It broke my heart but I explained to her that I was late to the dentist. While at the dentist I got told that I was a gorgeous little girl. That comment made me feel like I was 2 but Hey I will take it :). I also learned that I have to have two wisdom teeth taken out...YIKES!!!! Then I wondered to the Eye doctor where I got my eyes Dilated....WEIRD. It was like I started out crying then I could see then all of a sudden everything was blurry. It was like being drunk without all the side effects, ha ha ha ha. The funniest part of the day was that the nurse asked me if I drank and Memaw being a sweet lil lady said yea she does, we just drank some tea at Zaxbys. Bless her heart, that made my day. But Im still worried about getting my wisdom teeth out...I hate surgery!
Now I'm going to worry about getting my Wisdom Teeth out!
Dusty told me that he cant wait to see how I feel because people tell him
it feels like you have been hit by a truck. Great boyfriend, huh????

So now as I sit in the apt snuggling up with Hankie Pankie thinking about my day, I would not have changed anything about today! Have a great rest of this cold Hump Day!


  1. I am glad Hank is a dog, b.c if you had an actual son that you called Hankie Pankie he would grow up to stab you.

  2. He only gets Hank when he is in trouble but when he is sweet he is Hankie Pank or Pankie...Only bc I cant have miley a nickname and not hank...Thats rude!

  3. I got my wisdom teeth out last December, and it was a lot better than I expected it to be! My teeth hurt at times, but as long as I kept taking my pain pills on time, I was fine! Good luck with your surgery!

    P.S. Thanks for following my blog! I hope your week is going well!
